Saa’men Economic Development LP

 Caring for the future and honouring the past through long term business success.

Community Partners

Saa’men Economic Development prides itself prioritizing working with community members and Indigenous partners. We are always looking for:

  • Administration

  • Artists

  • Business Opportunities

  • Construction

  • Design

  • Hospitality and Catering

  • Job Creating

  • Operations Management

  • Retail Management

If you have a member-owned or Indigenous-owned business, a local service or are an individual with talent and expertise please contact us.



Saa’men is governed by a knowledgeable Board of Directors made up of two independent business professionals and two Qualicum First Nation members.

In order to uphold its mandate to pursue business interests important to the nation it serves, Saa’men works with various committees made up of members of the Qualicum First Nation, allowing members to have their voices heard.

Board of Directors

  • Debra Nixon - Chair; Independent Financial Professional

  • Mark Recalma - Qualicum First Nation member

  • C. Douglas Reid - Qualicum First Nation member

  • (board seat vacant) - Independent Legal Professional

Advisory CommitteesBusiness Advisory Committee (BAC)

The Business Advisory Committee (BAC) is a communications liaison between members of the Qualicum First Nation and Saa’men. The BAC is made up of six volunteer band members and representative diverse community demographics.

Saamen Ec Dev Logo.png

The Saa’men Story

The name “Saa’men” is a historic word describing a winter village, the nation’s first settlement in Qualicum Beach.

The Saa’men logo was designed by community artist Mathew Adreatta. In Mathew’s words:

“My design is in the style of a Coast Salish spindle whorl in order to reflect one of the most ancient and significant forms of art in our history. The human figure at the top of the design represents the people of Qualicum as a whole. Surrounding the people are two salmon and one human who has learned the salmons’ songs. This represents the most important natural resource to Qualicum, our salmon, and more specifically, the dog salmon from whom we receive our name. The design represents the circular, reciprocal relationship with one another as the salmon form the foundation of our community, and the people in turn hold up and revere the salmon for the wealth and nourishment they have provided for us since time immemorial.”

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